What did Slingly accomplish that all other eCommerce systems fail at? A simple way start and manage an eCom store with just few hours and no experience or start up money. Basically a eCom Store in a box.
Creator: Ricky Mataka
Official Site: Slingly.com/order
Price: $1297 or 3 payments of $497
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Why Is eCommerce So Hot Right Now?
This is a question you might be asking yourself right now. After all, if you follow any online trends you will see just a constant stream of eCom systems, success stories, testimonials and and more. Why is that?
It seems to be all about being at the right time at the right place. You see, despite the fact that eCommerce began back in 1972, when students made use of ARPANET to do digital transactions. It was always dominated by major brands and big companies.
However, advances in technology and self-serving platforms, like Shopify, made it possible for almost anyone to create an eCommerce store and make a profit. In fact, small and niche oriented stores are huge right now. The vast amount of success stories from Shopify alone is the best proof for this.
So, can you make an eCommerce store?
If you are like me, or other people that where on the fence about eCommerce for a long time there might be a solution for you.How would you like to have most of the work (I would say 95%) when creating an eCom store done for you?
I’m talking about launching a complete Shopify Store, with products, graphics, and outsources ready to fulfill your orders in just an hour or two from now. Even if you never create a single store, or a website online.
On top of that you will have the ability to start getting orders and earning commissions in the next 24 hours. With Slingly that is not only possible, but a typical result. This is because Slingly takes away real and guess work out of running a successful eCom store. So you focus on the sales and not the work.
So what are you waiting for? Click Here to grab it now
Inside Review: Slingly Platform
Slingly has multiply ways to earn with Print Catalog, Ship N Grow and Physical Products. It also comes with over-the-shoulder video training, funnels and targeting library, apps and other assets.
Let’s take a look how you can earn with each one:
Print Catalog (on demand printing in US, no need to purchase) – here you will find a collection of designs that Ricky and his students use to sell on demand items like t-shirts, mugs, hoodies and so on. If you’re new this a good way to start as they items are already proven to sell and these are automatically fulfilled for you.
Ship N Grow (done for you US fulfillment) This is an pretty cool option for people that want sell things from alixexpress and have them fulfilled and shipped from the United States. Nice done for you option for some extra cost.
Physical Products (easy to outsource, no need to buy anything) – in this module you will see physical products that Ricky and his students sell and outsource from Amazon, Aliexpress and eBay. Similar to the on demand catalog, as all of these are winners as well, but using a 3rd party drop-shipper. I mostly deal with Aliexpress myself.
- Targeting Library – this is hands down one of the best modules I even seen in eCommerce product. It’s a library of tested products, campaigns, niches and various case studies to show you exactly what works and how.
- Store Manager – I found that creating new stores with with Shopify is fairly simple, but does take some time. However, with store manager it only takes one click to create or add a new store.
- Trending – where you have access to what is trending right now. This allows you to both chose emerging niches and products as well as find ones that are constantly on top. Nice feayure if you don’t have a niche.
- Product Sourcing – the ability to search for products to source in real-time is a awesome feature and one that I see myself and other using a lot. It gives you all the info and comprisons you need.
Are you the next Jørn Erik Lillehagen?
Now I want to take a minute and let you know of one of the latest success stories from Slingly. You see, Jørn unlike me or some people had no eCommerce experience. In fact, he never even made a $100 online prior to getting started with Ricky Mataka’s platform.
Just three days later he had his first $100 day and now made almost $6,886.59 with 231 orders in little over a month. Just take a cool:
Are You Ready For Slingly?
As you can see it doesn’t matter if you are into eCommerce, internet marketing, email marketing or none of these. If you are willing to do the necessary 5% of work to get your Shopify store running and follow Ricky’s direction to get traffic (you can also use done for you campaigns) than you will make sales. It is simple as that.
So what are you waiting for? Get Slingly using the link below to get started now.
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